(Cont’ from last post)…
Tongue-in-cheekness. It isn’t that I consider myself humorous, it is that we all have inner thoughts that, when expressed in writing, can pull the reader into one’s mind in a personal way. Writing is in fact akin to showing up to your meeting..naked.
As an older woman who has born children and cacophony, being naked means being assessed with all the craggy keloids, mottled lumps, and southward shapes. As difficult as this sounds it’s the awesomest experience I have ever walked through. These two posts have three goals: to give my editors all the love and appreciation they deserve, to introduce my next story in Luxe Magazine coming to you this Christmas, and show off my latest creation: the Clarendon Tavern. It was with much trepidation that I was asked to write an inside piece on Ottawa’s restaurant world through design and food, but I did. I just saw the layout today and read it for the first time as you would.
It’s a different kind of piece as I am not a certified foodie, nor a disinterested observer, but it is with a lot of hope that you, my loyal followers, will see that an authentic voice is worth reading to the bitter end.