After one week

After one week of being by our mother’s bedside day and night, then one week planning and executing a service in her memory, I had one week to move out of the house my daughter and I had lived in for the past safe and savory six years as we had sold it months ago and had rented it back to get to the end of school. I have managed to keep work going, possibly burying myself in it, and submitted my latest article for Luxe on the state of Manhattan’s Lower East Side soul, that should be hitting the stands in September. I could not have survived without cuddles from Charlotte, a miraculous assistant from New Brunswick, and the promise of this place pictured right here: our new home. Perched on a premonitory at the end of the sunny side of Meech Lake, it inherited a mix of both Peter’s old house and a few of my own. It runs completely off grid. That’s right: only solar power is boosting the fridge and the lights we sometimes favor instead of candles. It is amazing how rested you can start feeling when you get up and go to bed with the sun. How healing birdsong and lapping lake waters can be. How being on the sunny side makes you see the sunny side. I have missed you lovely friends and I am back. Thank you for all of your kind words and well wishes during this time. Each and every one helped heal one soothing stitch at a time. All my love. -Henrietta