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Luxe Magazine has me entrenched in their pages as their very own “Road Warrior”
A nosy globetrotting designer that goes to the succulent part of any city’s heart and then gabs about it in peripatetic prose. Writing for Luxe is a dream that I never dreamt of come true. I am usually the one that brings out strengths in my clients: coaxing ever so...

Fresh off the press from the New YorkTimes.
Fresh off the press from the New YorkTimes: my kind of news. The young couple Zoe Chan and Merlin Eayrs, both architects in their 30s, have pulled off a serious style coup recognized with this titan nod. Their conversion of this shoe factory in Shoreditch into a...

The family room off the kitchen is the crown jewel of “The Gingerbread House”.
The family room off the kitchen is the crown jewel of “The Gingerbread House”. If you look at the before picture with puzzlement it is because there is no longer a window where there once was. There are pitfalls to a house that was built before any other on the block...

To me my bathroom has become a sanctuary.
Bathrooms are the unsung heroes of our homes and no matter the level of our own vanity we are in them several times a day for various lengths of time. To me my bathroom has become a sanctuary. It is the room where I regain serenity and solace in solitude. A small...

“Haute Austrian”
There are a few sad things I see in hopeful but hopeless design and one of them are mantelpieces that go nowhere. A fake is a fake is a fake to riff on a quote by the lovely Gertrude Stein. I would like to briefly talk about indirect lighting too here. This type of...